Dance Spirit are US natives Christopher Mohn & Reagan Denius who combine forces to create music that captivates, that compels you to move, that inspires. In their own words...
"One For The Heads" is a practice in hypnotic meditative states of rhythm, with an aim to distract the body via voodoo rhythms by dancing, while preparing the mind for inwards adventures into the self. It communicates a serious and stimulating feeling for the dance floor that lets dancers know the DJ is getting serious and deep".
"Mind Of Man" is the original inspiration prose we conjured into reality for the vocals. It's also a metaphor for the transformative power of the mind and soul through love, wisdom and faith, like turning lead to gold, we are all our own alchemists, capable of personal transformation".
"Gone Beyond" is the act of transcending the known three dimensional reality and piercing the veil of the inner connection to the divine light within us all. "Numbers Don't Lie" is the scientific study of light, and the universe, and material reality. The numbers 5, 7 and 12 are all expressed and reflected in this space".
Dance Spirit return to the Crosstown rebels imprint after releasing their 'Drowning In Irises EP' on Rebellion last year. They have also previously put out music on Kindisch, Culprit, Connaisseur Recordings, Maison D'Etre, Endless Music among others.
1. One For The Heads
2. Mind Of Man
3. Gone Beyond feat. Jon Charnis
4. Numbers Don't Lie
Released: 04/11/2016
Cat#: RBL039
Distribution: Above Board
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